Breast reduction may give women with large pendulous breasts relief from a variety of problems, from back and neck pain and irritated skin to skeletal deformities and breathing difficulties.
With some patients the problem is mostly stretched skin with looseness of the whole breast in which the problem is confined to the shape and form of the breast. In these cases a breast lift is the ideal procedure and the surgeon will create a better shaped breast without necessary reducing the size of the breast. In fact sometimes these procedure is performed in conjunction with breast augmentation, depending on the size of the breast.
Of all the plastic surgery procedures, breast reductions and breast lifts result in the quickest body-image changes. Having a cosmetic breast procedure can greatly improve the way a woman sees herself, resulting in an enhanced self-esteem.
Depending on the size of the breast there are several variations of techniques employed.
For cases in which there is no, or little excess mammary tissue, a variation of the Pitanguy technique may be employed. In this case the incisions are placed surrounding the areola extending downward onto the natural crease of the breast without an horizontal extension. A pedicle or tissue base is created from the lower pole of the breast and it is transferred to the upper pole, so the breast adopts an harmonic conical shape. Then the incisions are sutured and a dressing is applied.
One of the most important questions in regard to the technique employed is your goals and expectations of the surgery. Items like size and shape of the breast will be fully discussed prior to your surgery.
Breast reduction and breast lift surgeries are usually done as an outpatient procedure, but a one night stay may be recommended in individual cases.
For the first few days following breast surgery, you will wear surgical dressings and a special post-surgical bra is worn for several weeks. You should avoid lifting your arms or pushing anything heavy for the first three to four weeks. With the support of your surgical bra, you should be able to increase your activity level at a steady pace.
You will be allowed to return to your desk job work in four to five days if you were submitted into a breast lift or after seven to ten days if a breast reduction was performed.