Why choose to have dental implants in Costa Rica? Not only is Costa Rica advanced in the technology for dental implants, but the pricing compared to the U.S. is considerably more affordable. Additionally, Costa Rica is a great getaway location due to its scintillating culture and breathtaking views. See below for more information about dental implants.
As we all know the best our own natural teeth that are well maintained are the best teeth to have. However,sometimes a tooth is lost or several teeth. The best alternative is a dental implant. The dental implant becomes the new root to not only hold a new tooth but to maintain good bone structure to prevent your jaw line from receding and allow you to retain your natural shape of your face.
Dental implants can be placed using the Two-Stage Protocol or today more and more patients are receiving the ONE-Stage dental implants. Since dental implants are simply an anchor, they can be utilized in many different ways, including single tooth replacement, multiple tooth replacement, and as a replacement for full sets of dentures. They can also be used to secure bridges and partial dentures.
The main requirements for a dental implant are healthy and adequate jaw bone and general good health. Basically, if you are healthy enough to have dental surgery you are able to have dental implants. Your dentist will evaluate your circumstance and let you know if implants are an option.
Turn your dental implants in Costa Rica into a fun getaway. Ask about Our One Stage Protocol (Immediate Implants) which allows your implant to be set and the crown placed over your implant all within a one-week visit to Costa Rica. In just one full week, you can come to Costa Rica and go home with your new smile. Not only will you obtain a great smile, but you can do so while enjoying the great surroundings of beautiful Costa Rica.