If you are seeking an affordable facelift surgery, it may be tempting to go abroad to find a cheap facelift surgeon. However, where surgery is concerned, it is not the time to look for lowest price. There are many risks associated with having a cosmetic surgery of this magnitude performed in a foreign country. The main risk being that the regulations and standard that surgeons are required to abide by in the US are generally nonexistent in other countries. This leaves you at the mercy of a foreign surgeon that may or may not have been trained adequately to perform such an invasive procedure.
Cheap Plastic Surgery within the US
It is possible to locate a cheap facelift surgeon within the US. However, it is important to note that there is a difference between cheap facelift surgery and affordable facelift surgery. A cheap facelift surgery will be seen at an unbelievable, unbeatable price that is far below the average local price. While, an affordable facelift surgery will feature a competitive price while still remaining rather close to the local average cost of the procedure. Prices that are too good to be true should be regarded as red flags.
If the surgeon is not board certified, you run an additional risk as there is less quality control amongst non-board certified surgeons. Because you are entrusting your life in the hands of the plastic surgeon that performs your facelift – it pays to find one that is board certified. It is a common misconception that board certified plastic surgeons have inflated rates. But, many offer inexpensive facelift surgery. Furthermore, receiving a quote that is far below the average cost is an indication that you will be surprised with hidden fees that may nearly double the total cost of your initial quote. Ensure that your plastic surgeon is board certified as well as outlines every possible cost you’ll encounter before you decide to schedule your surgery.
The True Cost of Abroad Facelift Surgery
When consumers think of abroad plastic surgery, most envision a flawless, inexpensive facelift. While in some cases this vision may be accurate, there is simply too much of a risk factor to ignore. There is a high probability that something will go wrong. And, if it does, you’ll be stranded in a different country, likely alone and with a communication barrier, recovering from a subpar facelift that may already be infected or worse. Many countries, especially those that provide cheap facelifts, do not provide the refined education system afforded to American plastic surgeons. Therefore, your surgeon may be under-educated or in an extreme scenario without education or experience.
Furthermore, when taking all costs into account such as the cost of the plastic surgery, the hotel or facility you will stay in to recover from the surgery, the flight to and from the country, travel insurance, medical insurance and more, the total cost is often far more than the average American cost between $7,000 and $9,000. If price is your only motivator, it’s important to note that locating an affordable facelift surgeon within the US isn’t very difficult. If prices in your area are too high, consider traveling to a nearby state where an experienced, yet affordable facelift surgeon can be found. Another alternative to the typical plastic surgery abroad is using a medical travel company. A medical travel company will help you plan your trip and provide you with the necessary information to minimize your risk.
If considering having plastic surgery abroad, it’s necessary to ask yourself the following questions:
- All surgeries involve an element of risk, whether in the US or abroad. However, are you willing to take on the addition risk involved in having plastic surgery done abroad?
- If the surgery is botched, do you have additional funds to undergo a corrective plastic surgery procedure within the US?
- Once you factor all of the costs in addition to the surgery, is there really a significant difference in cost?
The Benefits of Working with a Board Certified Facelift Surgeon
Board certification is provided by The American Board of Plastic Surgery. When working with a board certified plastic surgeon, you are assured that your safety and the quality of work will always be put first. Board certified members must undergo verification of their schooling through an accredited medical school, as well as five additional years of experience as a resident surgeon before board certification can be granted. This ensures that the board certified surgeon you select to perform your facelift has adequate training and experience, which therefore lead to more favorable results and a far lower risk of complication.