Cosmetic Surgery Procedures in Costa Rica

Rhinoplasty in Costa Rica

One of the most important features of your face is your nose. Certified doctors are aware of this and their surgery program would not be complete without them offering a top of the line rhinoplasty. Commonly known as a nose job, this procedure if perfect if you aren’t pleased with the tip or the bridge of your nose or its overall outline, or if you have suffered from some kind of injury and would like to restructure your face.

Rhinoplasty 1This procedure can reduce or increase the size of your nose, decrease the width of your nostrils, modify the angle between your nose and your upper lip and re-shape the outline of your nose bridge. Not only can it correct injuries, but it can also help alleviate certain breathing problems.

If you are interested in submitting yourself to this type of surgery, you need to know which of the different procedures would be the best for you. Please read the following information so can get a general idea.

Rhinoplasty Prices

Please check here for price estimates. Price changes and updates are not shown on the website immediately. If you wish to obtain more information regarding the current costs of a particular procedure, please contact us .

What Can I Expect

Whenever it comes to plastic surgery, you need to keep in mind that no procedure will ever provide an ‘ideal’ aspect to your face. The aim of cosmetic treatment is to achieve an improvement, to enhance your facial appearance. This can help you boost your self-confidence and make you feel better about yourself, while keeping realistic expectations. This is one of the core values we have here at HCR; we want our clients to be completely satisfied with the results of their surgery and to heighten their self-assurance.

Also, depending on your age group, there might be different considerations you might need to keep in mind. Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) is a really popular procedure among teenagers, and their emotional, psychological and social growth must be considered at all times. Usually, this surgery is performed after a teenager’s growth spurt (14 or 15 for girls, a little later for boys). You can contact HCR for further information if you are interested in having to this operation performed.

Surgery Planning

As with every other procedure, HCR strongly advises that patients have a detailed discussion with their plastic surgeon before the surgery is performed. By doing so, both parties have the opportunity to contribute in the whole process and to increase the client’s level of satisfaction. When speaking with your doctor, please feel free to talk openly and to express your doubts as well as your expectations. Your surgeon will help determine what isn’t or what is possible to accomplish, helping you to improve your looks in the best way possible.

Rhinoplasty 2In this initial discussion, your doctor will explain all that the surgery implies, from where it will be performed, the cost of the procedure, the risks it may entail, the recovery process and every other detail so that you are completely informed. All the different aspects of the surgery you are willing to undertake must be extremely clear to you.

When preparing for your surgery in Costa Rica, HCR will make sure to provide all the best possible services during your procedure. We will arrange for your transport and will offer the best commodities during your recovery. All this can be arranged previously with our organization.

Make sure to ask your doctor concerning the diverse details that the surgery entails. For example, you should know if you should stop taking certain medications or if you will need to refrain from drinking or eating for a certain time period before your surgery. It may be possible that you will need to wash your face constantly before your operation or you might need to stop taking certain vitamins.

Having a good communication with your surgeon at all times will help increase your level of satisfaction, therefore, please do not hesitate to contact HCR since we will be more than happy to help you with anything you need.

The Procedure

Certified surgeons perform this procedure using general anesthetic, although there may be cases in which a local anesthesia is utilized, like a nasal tip. This depends on the degree of the procedure and on what you and your doctor prefer.

With general anesthesia, you will sleep throughout the whole operation, waking only after the whole process is finished. With local anesthesia, your will be sedated lightly and your nose and surrounded area will be completely numb. Throughout the operation, you will be awake, but will not feel any pain at all and will be completely relaxed.

Rhinoplasty 3A rhinoplasty (nose job) treatment usually takes 1-2 hours in total, though more complex surgeries can take longer. During the process, the skin of the nose is separated from its supporting structure of cartilage and bone. The surgeon then proceeds to sculpt this framework to the desired shape. The character of the sculpting will depend on the patient’s needs and wants, as well as with the problem he/she presents. The doctor’s preferred technique will also affect the process. Once this part of the operation is done, the skin is placed back and re-draped over the area.

Generally, to ensure no noticeable scarring, incisions are made inside the nose. However, there are doctors which prefer an “open” method, especially in more difficult scenarios. In these cases, an incision is usually made across the columella (the vertical strip of tissue which separates the nostrils).

To maintain the new shape of your nose, a splint is applied after the surgery. Also, soft plastic splints and nasal packs may also be placed inside your nostrils in an attempt to stabilize the septum and creating a division between the air passages.

The surgery will require for you to stay overnight at our high technology health center. However, if the procedure you have received involves only some minor corrections to the nose tip, you might be able to leave on the same day. Your doctor will most surely counsel for you to take at least a 10-14 day leave from work for your recovery. The area where the operation was performed will be bandaged and the dressing will have to changed in 5-10 days after.

Post-Op – After Surgery

Rhinoplasty 4For the first 24 hours after the procedure, your face will feel particularly puffy. You can expect your nose to ache and you may be prone to dull headaches, although you will be given medication to reduce this type of soreness. It is recommended that you stay in bed during this time and keep you head elevated. Your nose might appear crooked and asymmetrical, but this will disappear given time.

A little nausea is common if you have swallowed a lot of blood during the operation and you can possibly vomit afterwards.

You can also anticipate bruising and swelling around your eyes, which may increase in the days to come; however, it will stop after approximately 2-3 days and will start lessening after that. It depends on the extent of the operation and if any nasal bones were broken. You can reduce the swelling by applying cold compresses, as well. Throughout this period, you might feel as if you have a ‘cold’ due to the congestion of the nasal ducts.

At any rate, you must keep in mind that you will feel much better than you look. Within 2 weeks, the bruising and swelling should vanish, even though some subtle swelling will remain for several months (bear in mind that this type of inflammation will be perceptible only to you and your surgeon). If you were subjected to an “open incision” the swelling might take from 1-6 weeks to disappear.

During the first few days, a little bleeding is frequent, as well as the feeling of overall stuffiness, which may persist for a few weeks. It is recommended that you do not blow your nose or touch it for around a week or so, while the tissues repair.

If nasal packing has been applied after the surgery, it will be taken out after a few days and you will feel a lot more comfortable. All dressings, splints and stitches are generally removed after approximately 2 weeks.

It is also important that you wear sunblock during your recovery period and that you refrain from doing any exercise or any type of strenuous activity for at least 6 weeks; this will avoid the probability of nose injury.Your doctor will give you specific strategies for your gradual return to normal activities. Avoid rubbing or hitting your nose and be careful when washing your face and hair, or when applying make up. The use of contact lenses can be resumed as soon as you feel comfortable with it, but glasses may present a problem. The will have to be taped to your forehead or supported on your cheeks once the splint is taking off; this may last for 6 to 7 weeks.

Make sure to take it slow so that you can be certain that your nose is healing correctly. The nose is a very fragile area and by being careful, you can reduce the probability of any complications or secondary surgery from occurring. It is highly recommended that you follow your surgeon’s instructions at all times.

Eating healthy while you recover also helps speed up the healing process. You can start your recuperation with a mild liquid intake (for example, soup, water, fruit juice). Your stomach needs to be settled before you can take up normal drinking or eating again.

While you sleep, make sure to keep your head elevated as well as during the day; refrain from bending over at all times, since this will keep the swelling to a minimum. If any nasal bones were broken during the procedure, you may take longer to heal, but you should be able to return to work around 2-3 weeks afterwards.

The final results of the nose surgery may be apparent around 2 weeks after, but small changes will continue to show during the next 6-12 months. How long this will take and the final result can depend on things such as your healing ability, age and skin type.

Health Issues

As with any type of cosmetic surgery, complications are unusual, but they sometimes do happen. However, they are usually minor and can be reduced by precisely following your doctor’s directions before and after the procedure.

Bleeding may happen up to four weeks after the surgery. The patient must refrain from picking his/her nose as well as blowing it to keep the bleeding to the minimum.

Small burst blood vessels can appear as tiny red spots on the surface of your epidermis. These are generally small but can be permanent. Keep in mind that this occurs very rarely, but you must be aware that it can eventually happen.

In very atypical cases, an abnormal shape of the nose may appear, which might be due to an error during surgery or caused by the patient not keeping his/her head elevated during the recovery period as well as sleeping on one side. If this happens, the nose can pull to one side if it is not supported adequately.

Infection is rare but it can happen; the probability of post-surgery infection is less than 2%. But if it does occur, cellulitis, granuloma and abscesses can be treated with drainage and antibiotics. If a rhinoplasty is performed in conjunction with an implant, this can increase the chance of infection.

Smoking can increase the rate of complications, since it reduces the body’s vascularity and circulation. This means that it more difficult for your body to bring much needed oxygen to your tissues, delaying the healing process. HCR suggests to stop smoking for at least 4 weeks before and after submitting yourself to the operation.

Another complication which very seldom appears is toxic shock syndrome. It happens at a rate of only 0.016% after a rhinoplasty surgery is performed. Nonetheless, if it does happen, it presents approximately an 11% mortality rate. This condition presents symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting and a sunburn-like rash. If you present any of these indications, you need to contact your surgeon immediately.