Only plastic surgeons may! If aesthetic clinics do not have a plastic surgeon, they can be closed by the Ministry…
Permanent eyeliner is possible through a procedure called micropigmentation. This technique involves the embedding of an organic pigment beneath the…
Microdermabrasion can be defined as the application of tiny rough grains that scrape away the surface layer of the skin.…
Hyaluronic acid (also known as Hyaluronan) is a component of connective tissue whose function is to cushion and lubricate. It…
This beauty treatment is a mechanical procedure that used a power-drive (hand held device equipped with a rotating metal wheel)…
Collagen is an essential protein complex found in the human body. Collagen molecules form fibrils that produce necessary fibers for…
Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) are exfoliants derived from fruit and milk sugars such as glycolic acid (produced from sugar cane…
Scientific research has proved that, as a person grows older, fat tends to collect in the center of the body…
What Can I expect? Procedure Planning The Procedure After The Treatment Health Issues This method is the preferred procedure for…